This page will show Fourquet families in Argentina. I have found substantial genealogical information on this family. Have yet to find connection between them and my Puerto Rican roots but I have found at least two Fourquet family lines in Argentina. I also recently found that in 1853, a man named Juan Fourquet signed the constitution of Buenos Aires, in the city of Diamante. Juan's last name appears spelled "Forquet" even though all documentation I have found thus far spells it the way we do. So far, according to records provided below, these Fourquets originated in France.
I met Andrea Fourquet, of Buenos Aires, online and have been corresponding with her to learn more about the line of family in Argentina. Besides the line I have constructed below, there is also another line of Fourquets from Argentina that I am investigating.
This is a recent discovery so it's still a work in progress. Below you will find some of my findings for Fourquet's in Argentina in the 1800s. I don't know how they may be connected to the other Fourquets but suffice to say we are all related somehow and it is my lifelong goal to find our connections. If you are from Argentina, review what i have thus far. You can click the links below to see if the records contain your ancestors.
Check often as I am constantly updated the page.
The oldest Fourquet discoverd in Argentina was Juan Fourquet. A co-signer of the constition of country. There is very little information on Juan, but what I have found is that he was an artesan who had built many of the earlier structures of the town of Diamante, also referred to as "Entre Rios". |
1853 Constitution Seccion archivo de Parana
Juan Fourquet was a signator in Argentina's constitution on May 1, 1853, in Diamante, Entre Rios, Argentina.
1855 Census
Domingo Fourquet, 25,
Mariana Fourquet, 20
1869 Census
Domingo Fourquet, 38,
1869 Census - 1
Bautista Fourquet 30
1869 Census - 2
Beltrana Fourquet, 6 Catalina Fourquet, 3
1869 Census -1
Juan Fourquet, 50 Domiciana Migueles, 46 Juan Fourquet, 15 Florencio Fourquet, 13 Saturnino Fourquet, 11 Emilio Fourquet, 6 Miguel Fourquet, 3
1869 Census - 2
Eloisa Fourquet, 7 Doralisa Fourquet, 5 Rosa Fourquet, 1
Argentina, National Census, 1895 - Buenos Aires - Chascomús - Cuartel 02
Juan ? Fourquet, 26 Natalia mc Fourquet 25 Maria C. Fourquet, 4
Argentina National Census, 1895 - Santa Fe - Constitución - Cabral
Mamerto Fourquet, 45 Maria G. de Fouquet 42 Cleofano Fourquet, 18 Agusto Fourquet, 11 Raul Fourquet, 8 Margarita Fourquet, 3
Marriage entry in Catholic church records
Jose Maria Fourquet con Civila Brito
full page record
- Website from Argentine genealogist with Fourquet in his family. CLICK HERE